
California Biodiversity Day at the Wilderness Park

Thanks to everyone who participated in California Biodiversity Day at the Wilderness Park, and especially the Rangers, who set it all up!  On Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 7 and 8, forty-eight new observations were reported to our iNaturalist project.  Thirty-seven different species were reported, including 13 species not previously reported to iNaturalist for the Park.  Here are a few of our favorites.  The ones with * are new species for our iNaturalist project.

*Lorquin’s Admiral (Limenitis lorquini):
Limenitis_lorquini-090819-5389The Lorquin’s Admiral is thought to be a Batesian mimic of the California Sister, which is reportedly much less palatable to predators.

Woodland Skipper (Ochlodes sylvanoides) nectaring on *Douglas’s Threadleaf Ragwort (Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii):Ochlodes_sylvanoides-090819-5517The Woodland Skippers were all over Evey Canyon on Sunday.  Douglas’s Threadleaf Ragwort blooms later than most and attracts a lot of bees and butterflies in late summer and early fall.

A robber fly (*Stenopogon sp.) with a *Western Yellowjacket (Vespula pensylvanica) prey:Robber_fly-090819-5435This was a two-fer!  Both the Stenopogon robber fly and the Western Yellowjacket were new additions to our project. Isn’t the robber fly a fearsome-looking creature?

A long-horned beetle (*Tragidion annulatum):Tragidion_annulatum-090819-5486With its blue iridescent body and coppery elytra, this large, colorful beetle is an amazing tarantula hawk mimic.

*Genista Broom Moth (Uresiphita reversalis) caterpillar on Spanish Broom (Spartium junceum):Uresiphita_reversalis-090819-5573There were quite a few of these on the broom in Evey Canyon – four on this plant alone. Who knew there was a moth that used broom as a host plant?  We say, “Go caterpillars!  Eat broom!”

If you made observations in the Park but didn’t report them, don’t worry!  You can submit them any time, and they will still be counted both for the Park and for the statewide California Biodiversity Day project.

Celebrate Biodiversity Day at the Wilderness Park!

September 7, 2019 marks the first official celebration of California Biodiversity Day, an annual event created last year to celebrate the state’s exceptional biodiversity and encourage actions to protect it.  The city of Claremont Park Rangers together with the Friends of the Wilderness Park will be observing California Biodiversity Day 2019 at the Claremont Hills Wilderness Park.

Join us this Saturday, September 7th from 6:30am to 9:30am and learn how to use your phone to contribute to science and the Wilderness Park with iNaturalist!  Just look for the canopy near the North Mills entrance for more information!

Already an iNaturalist user?

Please come and help show others to use the iNaturalist app!

New to iNaturalist?

iNaturalist is an online social network of people sharing biodiversity information to help each other learn about nature. iNaturalist is a collaboration between National Geographic and the California Academy of Sciences.  Anyone can participate in iNaturalist!

Before arriving on Saturday please:

  1. Go to and create a free account. You should see “SIGN UP” featured prominently on the homepage.   Otherwise, there’s a “Sign Up” link in the top right corner.
  2. On your smart phone, go to the Apple Store or the Google Play store and download the iNaturalist app.

Once you’ve signed up, you can enter observations from either your phone or computer.  The iNaturalist site has a really good explanation here:

The page also has links to video tutorials.

The Wilderness Park Biota Project:


The Friends of the Wilderness Park have created an iNaturalist project for documenting the plants and animals of the Wilderness Park.  If you make iNaturalist observations in the Park, they will automatically be collected and added to the project!

If you’d like to check out the CHWP project and see what’s already been reported, just go here:

A few tips for best practices:

  • If feasible, crop your photos to feature the subject, especially if it’s not clear whether the subject is the bird or the tree, for example.
  • Include a little description. For one thing, you can use the description to say what’s the subject.  But you can also note any additional details, interesting behavior, type of habitat, odors, etc. that may not be obvious from the photo.
  • Give the most specific ID you can, even if it’s not to the species level. For instance, “insect”, “snake”, or even “plant” or “animal” is better than just having “unknown”.
  • Give a little info about yourself in your profile — it increases your credibility.


Question of the Day: … but it wasn’t a rattlesnake … or was it?

Today’s question was posed to us by recent Park visitor.

The question is:
I saw this snake on the trail, but it wasn’t a rattlesnake … or was it? It didn’t rattle.

We checked it out!  Here is a photo of the snake in question:


And the answer is:
Definitely a rattlesnake!

It’s a young Southern Pacific Rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus helleri), which is the only rattlesnake that occurs in our area.  The only other snake in the Wilderness Park with a similar pattern is the San Diego Gophersnake (Pituophis catenifer annectens).  Here’s how to tell them apart (image and information adapted from California Herps’ “Living with Rattlesnakes”):


 Triangular head, definitely larger than neck
 • Thick, dull, non-gloss body
 • Blunt tail with one or more rattles

Head only slightly larger than neck
 • Slender, glossy body
 • Pointed tail

You can see that the subject of our question meets all three criteria for rattlesnakes!

Close examination of this one’s tail reveals two rattle segments in addition to the terminal button (which it had when it was born).  Young rattlesnakes grow quickly, and they add a new rattle segment each time they shed their skin, so this one is probably less than a year old.

As evidenced by the snake that prompted the question, rattlesnakes do not always rattle. Again, from “Living with Rattlesnakes”: “They will often remain silent when they sense a threat, using their cryptic color and pattern to blend into their surroundings to hide from the threat. In this situation making noise risks advertising their presence. They also use their natural camouflage to hunt by sitting still and not rattling, trying to remain invisible as they wait for a warm-blooded prey animal to pass close enough for the snake to strike it,” although they do often rattle loudly to warn potential enemies of their presence.

Rattlesnakes are the only venomous snakes in our area. (Although some people might call them as “poisonous”, they’re not – poisonous snakes are technically ones that make you sick if your eat them.) Although rattlesnake bites can be extremely dangerous,  rattlesnakes are not aggressive or vicious.  They do not strike or bite without provocation. If rattlesnakes are given some space and time to escape to a safe place, they will usually just crawl away and avoid confrontation.

What should you do if you meet a rattlesnake in the Wilderness Park:

  • Leave it alone!
  • Give the snake a wide berth and walk by; if you can’t pass comfortably at a distance, retrace your steps.
  • Don’t even think about picking it up or poking it with a stick!
  • Don’t yell at the snake or throw rocks at them. They have poor hearing, so they won’t hear you shouting and hitting one with a rock will just irritate or injure the snake.

Be proactive to minimize rattlesnake encounters:

  • Be alert! Rattlesnake behavior changes with the weather. When they want to warm up, they may bask right in the middle of the trail.
  • Stick to the trails. (You’re supposed to do this, anyway!) During the day, snakes may hide in tall grass, weeds or heavy underbrush.
  • Check out stumps or logs before sitting down.
  • Don’t hike alone. Always have someone with you who can assist in an emergency.
  • Leash your dog. (This is already required in the Wilderness Park!) Dogs are at increased risk of being bitten due to holding their nose to the ground while investigating the outdoors.

What should you do if you are bitten?

  • Stay calm but act quickly.
  • Remove watches, rings, etc., which may constrict swelling.
  • Call the Claremont Police Department emergency number (909) 626-1296.
  • Transport the victim to the nearest medical facility.
  • Don’t apply a tourniquet, pack the bit in ice, cut the wound with a knife or razor, or use your mouth to suck out the venom!

More information:

What’s your question?  If you have a question about the Wilderness Park, please email us at

Question of the Day: Does the Wilderness Park have handicapped parking?

Question mark with a disable persons parking sign

We are starting a new feature – “Question of the Day”!  We won’t be posting a question every day – just whenever a question arises.   We’ve found that many Park visitors stop by our Second Saturday table with questions.  If we can’t answer the question on the spot, we’ll try to answer it here.  And even if we can, we may answer it here, too, since other visitors might have the same question.

So today’s question is:
Does the Wilderness Park have handicapped parking?

And the answer is:
 There are two spaces in the south lot designated for parking for disabled persons:Two parking spaces for disable persons in the south lot.

and five in the north lot:Five parking spaces for disable persons in the North Lot

Not only are spaces available, they’re free!  Anyone with a disabled person license plate or placard may park without charge.  The Rangers tell us that these spaces are heavily used, so if you can’t find a free disabled persons space, you may park in any space for free provided that your vehicle displays the disabled person license plate or placard.

Do you have a question?  Send it to us at!



Who likes buckwheat? We like buckwheat!

Summer in the Wilderness Park means lots of California Buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum) in bloom, and that means many happy insects!  Buckwheat is a amazing magnet for butterflies, bees, and other insects, who come to sip nectar.  Here are some we’ve seen on buckwheat in the Wilderness Park:

Bernardino Dotted-Blue butterfly (Euphilotes bernardino)
shown in the header image above:

Bernardino Dotted-Blues are all over the buckwheat just now.  These tiny butterflies are a Southern California specialty; their range extends only a little bit into northern Baja California, southern Nevada, and western Arizona.  Buckwheat is not only their preferred nectar plant, it’s the host plant for their caterpillars.  In our area, they usually only fly in June and July, so now is the time to check them out!

Mountain Mahogany Hairstreak butterfly (Satyrium tetra):Satyrium_tetra-071219-4094As the name implies, the host for Mountain Mahogany Hairstreak caterpillars is Mountain Mahogany (Cercocarpus montanus), but the adults love to nectar on buckwheat.  Like the Bernardino Dotted-Blues, these butterflies only fly in June and July.  Look for a brownish-gray butterfly with a white streak on the wings and a little “tail” on the hindwing.

Ceraunus Blue butterfly (Hemiargus ceraunus):Hemiargus_ceraunus-071219-4036.jpgThe Ceraunus Blue butterfly is seldom found in this area; its normal range is south and east of here in South Texas, Florida, Mexico, and Central and South America.  This year, however, a number are showing up in our area.  Look for small bluish-grey butterflies with a series of darker dashes on the wings and one or two “eyespots” near the bottom edge of the hindwing.

Pacific Burrowing Wasp (Philanthus multimaculatus):Philanthus_multimaculatus-071319-4145The Pacific Burrowing Wasp is a “beewolf”, a solitary, predatory wasp that preys on bees.  Female beewolves dig nests in the ground, then hunt bees, which they place in the nest.  They then lay their eggs on the bees, which become food for the larvae.  The adults, however, eat pollen and sip nectar.  These colorful yellow and black, green-eyed little wasps won’t bother people – just bees.

A Leafcutter Bee (Megachile sp.):Bee-071319-4151.jpgLeafcutter Bees do not live in hives like honeybees; they are solitary and usually nest in pre-existing holes in wood or hollow stems. Females typically cut neat, round pieces out of leaves to serve as separators between cells in their nests.  They collect pollen to feed their young.  Unlike honeybees and many other bees, which have “pollen baskets” on their legs, female Leafcutter bees have a furry abdomen for collecting pollen.  (If you see a bee with a yellow tummy, it’s probably a Megachile.)  When the female Leafcutter bee returns to the nest with pollen and some nectar in her crop, she kneads the mixture into a bee loaf, adding some of her saliva, which may contain antibacterial and fungicidal substances.  After repeated trips to build the large enough bee loaf, she will lay an egg on top and seal the chamber with chewed-up leaves.   Leafcutter bees are good pollinators and unlikely to sting.  If you’d like to attract some to your garden, you might try putting a “bee hotel” near some flowers; a Megachile may move in.

Pegasomyia sp. (no common name):Stonemyia-071219-4069.jpgThese green-eyed yellow flies actually belong to the insect family of Horse and Deer Flies (Tabanidae), but unlike typical members of this family, Pegasomyia do not drink blood; they eat pollen and drink nectar from flowers.  A vegetarian Horse Fly – who knew! The bright colored eyes are iridescent and can look red or green depending on the viewing and lighting angles.

Golden Paper Wasp (Polistes aurifer):Polistes_aurifer-061309-0191.jpgFemale Golden Paper Wasps lay their eggs in cells in the familiar “paper” nest, then when the larvae hatch, they hunt caterpillars to feed them.  Interestingly, they don’t sting their prey, but use their powerful mandibles to chew the prey into pieces to feed the larvae.  The adults, like the one here, generally take nectar. Golden Paper Wasps are generally not aggressive and are unlikely to sting unless provoked.  They can actually make a nice addition to your garden, as they will help to control caterpillars.

If you look, you will find even more different insects on Buckwheat in the Park.  What have you seen?  Let us know!  Email (and send photos, if you have them) to